Personal Branding: Entrepreneur Ange Morro
Personal Branding Photography
I need to give a special shout-out to this amazing lady!
When I first started my portrait studio, Ange was by my side making my clients look amazing with gorgeous make-up. She really is multi-talented in making people look their best!
But our professional paths would soon part, when she branched off to being on of Windsor’s top lash extension specialists. (And a Sugarlash Pro Brand Ambassador! Pretty amazing!)
Ange now has a beautiful retail location, she trains other lash technicians and she’s so sought after in her industry.
When she asked me to photograph her for her personal branding I jumped at the chance.
Like her brand suggests, one size does not fit all! Her approach is really personalized and unique to every client that walks through her door.
Ange wanted to bring her personality forward in her personal branding photoshoot. Unique, edgy, top of the line and authentic I feel best describe her.
Here are some of the beautiful photos we created for her personal branding! We created a full media library for her marketing and social media.
P.S. Just in case - here is Ange’s website to learn more about what she can do for you! ;-)
Located in Windsor Ontario.